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Houston, we have a postdoc.

Writer's picture: SamSam

Well, hello there, planetary fanatics! I think this is the perfect time to start up a regular research blog, an opportunity provided in part by the recent overhaul of my webpage design (courtesy of my collaborator in life, Prof. Kanu Sinha, recently christened faculty member at ASU).

Following up on key findings from my dissertation, I am now conducting a series of melting experiments with synthetic, chondritic sulfides. The core idea here (pun definitely intended) is to understand how differentiation and core formation may begin in asteroids that initially lack metal. Here's a lovely image I recently constructed using the LPI SEM Facility, at which I'm currently serving as the assistant lab manager in addition to my role as a postdoctoral fellow.

In this experiment, I'm trying to understand how two different, coexisting sulfides will interact at 'low' igneous temperatures (below the melting point of silicate minerals). The preliminary results so far are quite promising! Stay tuned for future updates-- I will most likely present these results in more detail at the annual MetSoc conference this Summer.

More to come soon!


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