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Starting Jan 2024

The Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

University of Arizona

Tucson, AZ

Researcher Scientist III

Experimental Petrology/Geochemistry

Nonlinear Optical Microscopy and Mineralogy

Remote Sensing of Asteroids

My work at LPL builds upon the success of my previous investigations into oxidized planetary differentiation. I am exploring applications to a wider variety of planetary bodies in our solar system and beyond.


I am also working with collaborators in optical sciences to develop methods for application of nonlinear optical microscopy toward mineralogic and petrographic analysis.

2021- 2023

Lunar and Planetary Institute

NASA Johnsons Space Center

Houston, Texas

Gordon A. McKay Postdoctoral Fellowship

Experimental Petrology/Geochemistry


My work at LPI & JSC focused on the first melts produced at the onset of asteroid differentiation. I employed methods of experimental petrology/geochemistry and high precision analytical methods to understand how core formation began within highly oxidized asteroids.


As part of my role at LPI, I was also the assistant manager of the LPI SEM Facility and co-host of the weekly LPI Seminar Series.



University of Maryland, College Park

PhD in Geology

Petrologic, Geochemical, and Remote Spectral Characteristics of Oxidized Planetary Differentation 

Advisors: Prof. Jessica Sunshine and Dr. Richard Ash

Meteorite/Asteroid Spectroscopy


My dissertation investigated the petrogenetic and geochemical attributes of materials from the asteroid belt in order to 1) understand how the chemical characteristics of early Solar System environments are recorded in meteorites and 2) remotely detect such evidence using visible to near-infrared light reflected from the surfaces of olivine-rich asteroids.


Texas Christian University

MS in Geology 

Experimental Insights into Stannern-trend eucrite petrogenesis.

Advisor: Prof. Rhiannon Mayne

Meteorite Petrology/Geochemistry


In my Masters thesis, I studied the petrology and geochemistry of partial melt assimilation in basaltic eucrite meteorites using experimental, analytical, and numerical modeling methods.


Hardin-Simmons University

BS in Geology (minor: Biology)

Calcareous Nanoplankton of the Late Cretaceous   

My undergraduate senior thesis investigated the morphologies of microfossils called coccoliths found in the chalk that comprises the White Cliffs of Dover.

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